ADARA COCO is one of Indonesia's Leading Global Supplier of Coconut Derivatives and Biomass Fuels Company



Established as one of Indonesia’s leading global supplier of coconut derivatives and biomass fuels, we are committed to providing reliable resources and professional services for your business — with high integrity, a wealth of expertise and a strong focus on client satisfaction.

Competitive pricing, stringent quality assurance, on-time delivery and professional support are the main pillars that underlie continuous trust and successful partnerships with our clients worldwide.


100% Real Indonesian Commodities With Best Price

We provide you services where you can find a wide range of organic Indonesian commodities at the best prices.

Transparency And Trust

Increasing transparency is an accessible first step for us to take in order to build trust. Have a good open discussion with customer will lower the possibility to any miss coordination.

On-Time Delivery

Partner with us for speedy and safe delivery services. We will always be your best cheapest option for export delivery!

Quality Control

Good quality control could help us meet or even exceed customer requirements for better products. We make sure that our products keep clean, hygienic, and safe while delivery.

Be Impactful

Our ultimate goal are to introduce all products from Indonesia to all over the
world and to help all farmers and workers spread across the Indonesia to earn a decent income for their families.

Hello Buyers, Order our products now, get attractive offers from us

Hello Suppliers, You could offer your products or commodities and we will keep in touch with you immediately!


Indonesia’s leading global supplier of coconut derivatives and biomass fuels, we are committed to providing reliable resources and professional services for your business — with high integrity, a wealth of expertise and a strong focus on client satisfaction.


CV. Hasil Indo Sentosa

Jln. Tentara Pelajar No. 16 B, Kejaksan, Kec. Kejaksan, Kota Cirebon, Jawa Barat, Indonesia. 45118

+62 812 777 889 10